What is the WHY you are striving for that has led to a change in your life

What is the WHY you are striving for that has led to a change in your life

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Have you ever stopped to consider the real reason behind your pursuit of change?

I’ve been reflecting on this lately, and it’s fascinating.

Our motivation for change, on a personal and professional level, comes from our “why.” It’s what motivates us to get out of bed in the morning, pushing us to grow and evolve.

I’ve noticed three key triggers that often spark this transformative ‘why’:

๐Ÿ‘‰๐ŸปConditions: Sometimes, our environment or circumstances demand change. A new job, a global pandemic, or a shift in industry trends can all be powerful catalysts.
๐Ÿ‘‰๐ŸปPeople: Individuals we meet have a significant influence on our path. Our urge for change can be sparked by a difficult relationship, a colleague’s accomplishment, or even the advice of a mentor.
๐Ÿ‘‰๐ŸปSelf-realization: Often, the most potent ‘why’ comes from within. That moment when we look in the mirror and decide, “It’s time for a change.”

We must not only understand our own ‘why’, but also help our employees discover theirs.

When team members feel confident, empowered, and motivated to upskill, change behaviors, and shift mindsets, amazing things happen.

What’s your ‘why’? What’s driving you to evolve? And how are you helping others find their purpose?

Aarti Kaushal


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